He wasnt a corporate executive or anything of the like, but people respected him. Straight out of the Navy into the corporate world. My father is, and probably always will be the model of leadership. When I got older, I thought success meant being the boss. He didnt care I beat him… he had his thing which made him feel successful. What did that superiority get me? Nothing really. It didnt help that he was way smarter than me, so yeah, the scores had to be pretty up there. I didnt have to be the number one, but I did have to beat him. When I was at school, success to me was beating my best friend at every subject. So ask yourself, what does success look like to you? What is it you actually want out of life? When you get older, you start to realise its less about trying and more about succeeding. When you’re young, you’re told that as long as you give it your best shot, and you know you did everything you could… your best effort is enough. Im guilty of it, I’ve uttered those words… like it excuses the outcome because at least you tried. Like thats meant to be the “get out of jail free” card for fucking up? Have you ever relied on someone to do something, they’ve failed miserably and tried to pass it off as “Im doing my best”. Im worried that one day someone might read this and think Im plagarizing,… copying… fuck it, paraphrasing work by another person… so I’ve added a new category to credit the reason for a lot of these posts.